The Key to Your IT Empire: 10 Best Password Practices for 2019

Malicious cyber activities can cost your business dearly. For that reason, it is always important to ensure all your passwords are protected all the time. If you are wondering how to go about it, here are the 10 best password practices you need to know. 

  1. Do Not Replicate Passwords

One of the common mistakes people make is to use the same password across various accounts. This can be detrimental to a business because when an invasion takes place, a domino effect is imminent because several accesses can be invaded.  

  1. Avoid Long Passwords

Another practice to consider is avoiding long passwords. Passwords which go for more than 10 characters can sometimes be difficult to remember. For password safety, you can use around 8 to 10 characters as this is considered the optimum range. 

  1. Employ Two-Factor Authentication

The importance of two-factor authentication cannot be undermined. Since it involves using several security questions along with the password, it will be difficult for hackers to access the accounts with the answers to the questions.

  1. Do not Bunch Symbols and Numbers Together

Spread symbols and numbers throughout the password as opposed to bunching them up. This will make it difficult for hackers to gain access to your accounts.

  1. Test Your Password

Put the password through an online testing tool to determine its strength. Most IT services offer options for business and individuals to test their password and find the right combination that will safeguard their accounts. 

  1. Use a Password Manager

Password managers can help businesses and individuals save all their passwords and pins. Additionally, a reputable password manager can help in generating and encrypting passwords to ensure complete protection.

  1. Stay Offline

Avoid having crucial data and security information plastered everywhere on the internet as this allows hackers to easily steal information. You also need to remove permissions on applications once you are done with them.

  1. Avoid Storing Passwords

Do not store your passwords, passcodes, or PIN on paper or digitally. Doing so will only increase the chances of other people accessing your data. 

  1. Do Not Use Dictionary Words

Savvy hackers have programs that help them search through thousands of dictionary words. Prevent yourself and your business from being a victim of this kind of attack by avoiding the use of dictionary words. You can, instead, opt for random passwords to make life difficult for attackers to carry out their malicious activities. 

  1. Be Vigilant 

When it comes to safety, you need to be as vigilant as you can be. Irrespective of how strong your password may look, your information will not be safe if there is a hacker’s spy program monitoring what you are entering on your keyboard. Do not make life easy enough for hackers. Use up-to-date anti-virus and ensure you make regular updates to your gadgets. 


The above measures can significantly contribute to ensuring the safety of your personal account or your business. Consider the pointers above so you can be confident that your personal information is well-protected from potential malicious activities.